Searching for Pokhara & Kathmandu Ghandruk Jeep hire then we offer Pokhara to Ghandruk Car rental services at the cheap & best price.
Ghandruk offers the majestic view of Annapurna mountain and a splendid sunrise and sunset. The Ghandruk tour is most popular for wonderful Gurung culture, the beautiful village, geographical differences and the fantastic views of the mountains of Annapurna (7219 m), Machhapuchhare (6993 m) and Himchuli (6411 m).
Ghandruk is a remote mountain village in Nepal that comes in the Annapurna Circuit range and is mostly inhabited by Gurung people. Most of the trekkers who go for the Annapurna Circuit Trek spend a night here before moving further. But if you are not a typical trekker and yet do not want to miss a tryst with the majestic snow capped mountains, then you can always plan hire a jeep to Ghandruk.
The village is insanely beautiful and you can enjoy close views of Annapurna, Himchuli and Machhapuchhre (Fishtail) mountains from here.
Our service are online car rental and package for Ghandruk. The best time to visit in Ghandruk is during the month of September to November and March to May.
If you are looking for Kathmandu to Ghandruk Car Rental then kindly book fast from your trusted one and only travel company Kathmandu Car Services. We Provide Ghandruk Jeep Rental service, online private transfers service in Ghandruk for a best & famous tourist attraction.